On the Issues

Vote Yes on 116

  • Hold Leaders Accountable

    Hold Leaders Accountable

    Voting Yes on 116 will create an independent commission that sets the pay for statewide elected officials, including state legislators, the Governor, the Secretary of State, the State Treasurer, the Attorney General, Oregon Supreme Court judges, and others. Nationwide, 22 states have established independent commissions to make salary decisions fair and impartial.

  • Put Oregonians in Charge

    Put Oregonians in Charge

    The People’s Independent Commission will put everyday Oregonians in charge of setting pay for elected officials, and bring more fairness and accountability to our government. People who serve on the commission cannot be state employees, lobbyists, or family members of politicians.

  • By the People, For the People

    By the People, For the People

    Public service should not be reserved for wealthy people. Oregon legislators earn $32,839 annually for full-time work. Low pay keeps many people from serving. Qualified legislators have even stepped down because they could not support their families. Voting Yes on 116 will make our democracy more accessible and more representative.

  • Good for Democracy

    Good for Democracy

    Our democracy is stronger when everyone is represented and everyone has a seat at the table. To solve the serious problems we face, we need legislators who understand our priorities and live them every day. Lawmakers make better decisions when people from all walks of life are represented.