August 06, 2024

Yes on 116

Advocates Launch Yes on 116 Campaign to Create People’s Independent Commission

Advocates Launch Yes on 116 Campaign to Create People’s Independent Commission

Measure 116 will remove lawmakers’ power to set their own pay


August 6, 2024

CONTACT: Ali Mayeda,

PORTLAND, Ore.— Pro-democracy advocates launched the campaign for Yes on 116: The People’s Independent Commission. Measure 116 will create an independent commission that sets the pay for statewide elected officials, including state legislators, the Governor, and state judges. It will remove lawmakers’ power to set their own pay.

“No one should get to set their own salary, especially when they are paid with taxpayer dollars,” said Robin Ye, executive committee member and political director at East County Rising. “The People’s Independent Commission will put everyday Oregonians in charge of setting pay for elected officials, and bring more fairness and accountability to our government.”

“The People’s Independent Commission is about fairness, plain and simple,” said Patrick Hennessy, RN, Chair of the Cabinet on Health Policy of Oregon Nurses Association, which has endorsed the campaign. “As nurses, we want our elected officials to understand the challenges working families face. That’s why ONA has endorsed Yes on 116: The People’s Independent Commission. It's a commonsense way to keep our democracy healthy and accountable to the people.”

"A thriving democracy requires that all voices are heard," said Elona Wilson, Executive Director of Next Up Action Fund, which serves on the campaign's executive committee. "For too long, Oregon's leadership hasn't reflected our state's true diversity. As an organization that champions youth leadership, we’re excited to support Yes on 116. The People’s Independent Commission is a pivotal step toward creating a more accessible and representative democracy."

“Voting Yes on 116 will make our democracy stronger, more accessible, and more representative,” said Erin Kothari of the Oregon Futures Lab, who serves on the campaign’s executive committee. "Real change happens when we have lawmakers who understand our communities and the challenges we face. The People's Independent Commission will lay the foundation for a stronger, more dynamic Oregon where every voice counts."

Measure 116 was referred to the ballot by the Oregon Legislature in the 2023 legislative session as SJR 34.

Yes on 116: The People’s Independent Commission is endorsed by a growing coalition of community organizations, including:


Cascade AIDS Project

East County Rising

Latino Network

NAYA Action Fund

Next Up Action Fund

Oregon Center for Voting & Elections

Oregon Futures Lab

Oregon League of Conservation Voters

Oregon Nurses Association

Oregon State Voice


Urban League of Portland

Women's Foundation of Oregon

Working Families Party of Oregon